Saturday, March 26th, 2011

CANI (Community Action of Northeast Indiana) is seeking low-income middle-school students (2011-12 school year) for participation in a career shadow day, as part of the agency’s Youth Program.

The purpose of the career shadow day, WHO CANI BE?, is to expose local middle school aged students to various career opportunities. CANI will act as a liaison between the mentor and the student.  The coordinator will meet with students prior to the start of the program, which begins in July, to help determine a suitable career to shadow.

This is a great opportunity to empower your child and expose him or her to the work place. Participants must meet income guidelines and live in Allen County. Additionally, participants will have first priority for CANI’s YIDA (Youth Individual Development Account) program, which can help fund college expenses.

Space is limited to 25 students. Referrals will be accepted through March 28. For more information, or to refer a student, please call Youth Program Coordinator Rachel Eldridge at (260) 423-3546 ext. 287, or e-mail Applications can also be found here online.

CANI helps communities, families, and individuals remove the causes and conditions of poverty. For more information about CANI and the services provided, see

The Great Grown-Up Spelling Bee to Benefit Study Connection in Fort Wayne

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

The Great Grown-Up Spelling Bee is a fun team event to benefit Study Connection in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Teams of three work together in spelling rounds and are eliminated by misspelling a word. The winners of each spelling round will advance to a champion’s round for the chance to win the coveted Honeycomb Trophy. Spell check, which allow teams a second or third chance to spell a word correctly, are available for purchase.

Registration for the event is due by Friday, April 22. Individuals must be 21 years of age or older. Cost to participate is $150 per team. Spell checks are available for $60 for the first, $120 for the second and $240 for the third.

Sponsorships are also available, ranging from $100-$5,000.

Contact the Fort Wayne Community Schools‘ Community Programs Department at 260-467-8810 or e-mail for more information on signing up as a sponsor or to register for the event.

When: Friday, May 13, 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Where:  Fort Wayne Museum of Art – Downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana
Admission: $20 at the door
Event Registration: Due by April 22, 2011

Eat at Red Robin and Fort Wayne Children’s Choir Receives 10% – March 28, 2011 Only

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

How can an order of fries help?
If they’re Red Robin fries they will!
March 28, 2011 is Fort Wayne Children’s Choir day at Red Robin in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Red Robin will donate 10% of total sales on March 28, 2011 to FWCC for its music education programs. So, what do you need to do? Go to Red Robin at Glenbrook Mall on Monday, March 28, 2011 ANYTIME and EAT! That’s all.

You have to eat anyway, right? You might as well eat at a good hamburger and the endless fries with the Fort Wayne Children’s Choir at Red Robin!!

Rockin’ Docs Musicfest Makes Big Changes – Moves to Spiece Fieldhouse

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

Click on any photo to see larger view.

This was the 11th annual Rockin’ Docs Musicfest and the proceeds from this event will add to the nearly $350,000 the event has donated to area medical non-profits over the past 10 years.  This year the event has chosen four Indiana organizations to donate to: Matthew 25 Health and Dental Clinic (Fort Wayne), The Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center, Riley’s Children’s Foundation (Indianapolis), Super Shot (Fort Wayne).

There was plenty of entertainment at this event including three bands that kept the music going all evening, each one having doctors as part of the group.  Lots of people took to the dance floor to the music of Next Exit, Sheba, and Frankie & the Bananas.  March Madness fans could keep up to date on all the action on big screen TVs while drinking their favorite beverage and eating great food.  There was also a silent auction with over 170 items to bid on to help the cause.  Click here to see more photos from the 2011 event at the Spiece Fieldhouse in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Original Post From March 3, 2011 below:

New Date and New Location for Rockin’ Docs Musicfest!
Rockin’ Docs Musicfest, previously held every September at Headwaters Park for the last 10 years, is changing their date and venue. The new date and relocation provides a perfect opportunity to incorporate a sports-related theme into the well-established Musicfest. The March date coincides with the end of winter, the beginning of spring and the start of basketball’s “March Madness.”

What:  11th annual Rockin’ Docs Musicfest
When:  March 18th, 2011 – 6pm to midnight 
Where:  Spiece Fieldhouse, 5310 Merchandise Drive, Fort Wayne, Indiana 
Cost:  $12 at the gate and $10 in advance.
Age:  Must be 21 and older to attend

Spiece Fitness has been a long time sponsor of the event. “We passionately believe in the vital local charities that Rockin’ Docs supports, and applaud the generous businesses and individuals who make it happen. It is an honor to host this fabulous, worth-while event at Spiece.” Says Anne Davis, Coowner/ Executive Director Spiece Fitness.

An added benefit to moving the Musicfest to Spiece Fitness is an inside venue that protects against Mother Nature. According to Karen Rothermund, Event Chair, “This year it can rain, it can snow.  It doesn’t matter. The show will go on and we’ll all be comfortable and warm inside.”

Rockin’ Docs Musicfest is a local grassroots organization. Staffed by approximately 40 volunteers, the almost $350,000 it has raised over the past 10 years, has resulted in thousands of local patients receiving medical services they could not otherwise afford. Services like examinations, diagnostics, medications and treatment, childhood vaccination and even treatment for victims of rape and domestic violence.

Everyone attending this year’s event will enjoy band favorites, Next Exit, Sheba and Frankie and the Bananas in addition to a large silent auction, retail merchandise, food and beverages. Best of all, those who attend have the satisfaction of knowing that their dollars are going directly to support patient services. If you are unable to attend, you can still show your support by donating online!

Event Information, including sponsorship opportunities, online donations and advance ticket purchase can be found at

FAME Festival in Fort Wayne, Indiana – March 12-13, 2011

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

FAME (The Foundation for Art and Music in Education) held its annual Northeast Festival at downtown Fort Wayne’s Grand Wayne Center on March 12-13, 2011.  Each year the FAME Festival celebrates the artist in every child.  This year’s theme was Creating and Dreaming in the Land of the Northern Lights.

Northeast Indiana and Fort Wayne area students danced, played instruments, sang songs, displayed art, and much more.  These pictures will give you a glimpse of everything that went on in downtown Fort Wayne to advance the arts among our young students. To learn more about FAME click here to visit their website.  Come back to in February 2012 to learn when next year’s event is scheduled to take place.  Be sure your favorite school gets involved.  Click here to see more photos.  Click on any photo for a larger view.

Display after display of area students artwork.

Tribal masks made by Northeast Indiana students.
Many school choirs performed.
FAME visiting artists: Shannon Thunderbird & Sandy Horne.
Students dance to music performed by The Fort Wayne Philharmonic.

Students (white shirts) are recognized after playing with the PHIL.

The Indiana Dance Festival April 1-3, 2011 in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

This weekend-long event is not just for dancers, it’s for everyone!

The Indiana Dance Festival will be held April 1-3, 2011 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  This event is sponsored by the Fort Wayne Dance Collective, a nonprofit movement organization in downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The festival will host many dancers from around the state taking classes, workshops, and networking. 

The weekend will feature the Indiana Dancers Showcase, a concert comprised of dance pieces from companies from all over Indiana.

Kicking-off and headlining the festival is a performance by Hubbard Street 2 from Chicago proceeded by a gala dinner!

Please support and get your tickets today for this wonderful event:

What:  Gala Dinner and Hubbard Street 2
Where: Ian Rolland Gallery in the Arts United Center
When:  April 1, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. 
Ticket Cost:  $60 for combo tickets
RSVP:  call (260) 424-6574  

Visit the event web site to learn more about this weekend-long event and reserve your spot in the many scheduled workshops. 

Fort Wayne Museum of Art GALA 2011 – Friday, March 4

Saturday, March 5th, 2011

The Fort Wayne Museum of Art held their annual Gala at their new space for the second year.  If you have not been to the museum since its expansion and renovation completed in March of 2010, it is a must see, and seeing it decorated for the Gala is even an extra treat.
2011 – click any photo to enlarge

Hundreds of people gathered to see rare art, eat great food, listen to music, and mingle among good friends, but most importantly they were there to raise money for and support the Fort Wayne Museum of Art.  For more photos of the 2011 Gala click here.

If you missed it this year mark your calendar for March of next year and get you reservation in early.  Check back here in February 2012 for how to reserve your spot.  Many businesses and organizations helped sponsor the evening and were highlighted in the evenings publicity as well as the ongoing marketing of the event. Contact the museum if you would like to help sponsor the Fort Wayne Museum of Art for the gala or throughout the year (260-422-6467 or   
Original Article From February 1, 2011:

The Fort Wayne Museum of Art will once again be the site of their GALA 2011.  Join the party as they celebrate their first year in the newly designed and expanded space.  You will enjoy fine art, food (catering by Catablu), wine, spirits, and music while participating in the silent and live auction that will raise funds for the Fort Wayne Museum of Art – which is what the evening is all about!  Seating is limited so reserve your spot early.


When:  Friday, March 4, 2011
Where:  Fort Wayne Museum of Art
                 311 East Main Street
Cost:  $125 per person,
           $175 patron level
RSVP:  by February 21, 2011
Call:  For more information call
          Michelle Gray, 260-422-6467


Black Tie Optional
Cocktails/Silent Auction – 6:30 pm
Dinner/Live Auction – 7:45 pm

Erin’s House 2011 Common Bond Breakfast in Fort Wayne, April 12, 2011

Friday, March 4th, 2011

2011 Common Bond Breakfast benefiting Erin’s House Featuring Guest Speaker—Melanie Bloom

When: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 
Where: Fort Wayne Marriott • Grand Marquis Ballroom
Time: Doors open at 7:30 a.m., Breakfast at 8:00 a.m.

Melanie Bloom never envisioned herself as a speaker on loss, grief, transformation and healing. After her husband, NBC News reporter and anchor David Bloom, died from complications of deep vein thrombosis while covering the war in Iraq, she delivered the Keynote Address at the National Wendt Center for Loss & Healing. Melanie shares lessons of her recovery from devastating loss and the ultimate triumph of love and hope.

Learn more about DVT here, Melanie Bloom is the Coalition National Patient Spokesperson.

Learn more about David Bloom here.

Register to attend or learn about sponsorship opportunities here.
For more information, please contact Michelle Parish at 423-2466 or

Fort Wayne Center For Learning – Sixth Annual Brain Game 2011

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
Click any image for a larger view.

This event, the Brain Game, benefiting the Fort Wayne Center For Learning had it all: 49 Teams in costumes, 56 Donors & Supporters, 40 Volunteers, 10 Sponsors, carnival games, cotton candy, ice cream, a unicyclist, hot dogs, hamburgers, hot pretzels, a Barbershop Quartet, onion rings, ballerinas, a juggler and a challenging competition of trivia and knowledge.

If you are looking for an interactive event that has the feel of a Jeopardy Game on steroids and with 10 times the fun, this is the event for you.  To learn more about the Brain Game click here.

Teams answered questions on History, Sports, Entertainment, Science, and more.  The team that ended the evening with the most points and taking home the traveling trophy was Fort Wayne Radiology (team1).  But the real winner of the evening was the Fort Wayne Center For Learning which raised money for a worthwhile cause which helps children in the Fort Wayne area overcome their challenges with learning.  To see more photos of the event click here.

Plank-a-Palooza! in Fort Wayne Benefiting Early Childhood Alliance – ECA

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Several area Fort Wayne teams registered to secure their spot in this challenging event that raises money for Early Childhood Alliance.  You have to see the Plank-a-Palooza! structures they constructed to believe them! 

Click on any photo for a larger view.

But first, what is a Plank-a-Palooza!?  It’s a challenging event in which teams use 500 KEVA planks to design and build a structure in 30 minutes. No glue is needed, just gravity. This highly energized construction event creates interest in math and science and encourages creativity and collaboration.

And what are KEVA planks?  KEVA planks are precision cut maple blocks (about 1/4″ x 3/4″ x 4 1/2″) that stack on four different planes with surprising stability.

Where do the teams come from?  You can start and register your own team.  Teams come from many and any areas of interest: all levels of education, business, non-profits, families, friends, clubs… almost anywhere. 

A half-hour goes by really fast when you are trying to construct something of the magnitude these teams were attempting.  The judges had a very hard time choosing a winner in the three award categories.

Best Engineering Award went to IPFW:

Most Creative Award went to Trine University:

Best Overall Design went to Irwin Math Science Magnet – FWCS

See more photos of this event by clicking here and see why this is a fun event to participate in or sponsor.  To learn how you can get involved contact: Jane McGraw, Marketing and Development Director, 260.458.0125 or